Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thoughts, Barely, By Xmastime

I just ate a Chef's Salad, and noticed there was half a boiled egg in it.  Is this normal? Half?  Now I can't stop thinking well, who got the other half? Odds are it's just a nobody like me, but what if right now, say, Blake Lively is eating the other half? Or anyone else who is my soul mate - what if one day 50 years from now my wife and I, while speaking of the dark days that were those before we found each other, each relate a story about eating a Chef's Salad on 11/29/11 and through an almost insane level of research discover ohmygod it WAS the same egg?

Sigh.  me. I'm really happening, aren't I?

"Wow, that's turning me on...well, the part about you actually eating a salad."

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