Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Fast Food Burger

In celebration of National Fast Food Day, A Hamburger Today asked what everyone's favorite fast food burger is, which I mentioned a coupla years ago HERE:

The funny about fast food burgers is a lot of times these days they're overshadowed by the other stuff on the menu - chicken sandwiches, chicken mcnuggets, fries, tater tots, curly fries, fried curly tots, fried curly tots with cheese, fried curly tots with cheese battered with chicken mcnuggets while some fucking retarded asshole insists on spending 10 minutes mopping under your table ("excuse me...excuse me...move your feet please...excuse me...") even though there's not another human being sitting and eating in the entire place, chili, jalepeno poppers, etc etc. In general, McDonald's burgers are rarely satisfying. The Double Whopper at BK used to be my slice until they started charging $19 for it (how much ARE they paying that creepy King dude on tv??) Right now, there is no comparison - Wendy's burger is by far the best (I get the double: the single is for little girls, and the triple is the one I actually get but to make myself look better to you I just lied and said double...that's what I've become; I actually think that sticking to the double would be admirable/sexy. Christ.  Hardee's is fine, but you're better off getting the chicken anyway. I'll tell you what used to be a good burger, was Dairy Queen's Ultimate Burger. Was my thing in college, heh heh heh. Along with, hard as it is to believe, fucking girls. Which, just like the Ultimate Burger, does not seem to have existed since.
Enjoy further burger musings HERE.

Of course, my Proustian burger is Burger Chef.

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