Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fuck You, Burger King

After 42 years of coming in second to McDonalds, Burger King is finally about to be overtaken by Wendy's for the #2 spot.  Which is great - besides having the best fast-food burger in the business, everything at Wendy's is pretty great; certainly better than Burger King.

The timing of this is funny since as I mentioned before, Burger King has just recently decided to quit acting like assholes and simply do whatever McDonalds does to right it's sinking ship.  I feel like I've just used a Malaprop there, but fuck it.  How Ringo of me!

And I'll say it once again: someone has to explain to me why McDonalds isn't running the country.  If all the money in the world suddenly disappeared from the universe, McDonalds would STILL increase their profits for the quarter.  Fucking a.  Hell, they're so great they almost got me a boyfriend once!!!!

Anyway, here's a coupla pigs.

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