Friday, January 06, 2012

Farts. Still Funny.

Here’s some chick panicking because she’s worried her boyfriend heard her fart...while he was sleeping.  Hmm.  Now, I haven't  had a girlfriend since FDR was doing shuttle runs  heard a girlfriend of mine fart, and I doubt I'd really care if she did, but I assume the amount I'd be horrified would be in direct proportion to how hot she is.  If Megan Fox is my girlfriend and she farts in front of me, I'm sure I'm giving her a standing ovation.  If it's Broom Hilda I'm like fuck it, I'm out. The whole thing is similar to my old "the more powerful you are the more you can get away with cutting one in the office" riff from a coupla years ago that I can't find now (deal with it!), I guess.

Of course, nothing is sexier the back fart; at least that one makes you take your shirt off and lie on your back.  You know, like schtupping.

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