Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Greatness of My Cousin Vinny

The question isn't whether or not this is the single funniest stuttering scene in movie history; the question is whether or not there's another one that even ranks in the same stratosphere.  I'd be surprised if any movie ever gets made again with a big stuttering scene, since someone would inevitably point out that it'd be compared to the My Cousin Vinny scene, therein rendering it crappy.  Advice, btw, Ben Affleck should've followed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Given that it has Affleck and Paltrow,"Shakespeare In Love" is a pretty gay endeavor. But it was written by Tom Stoppard, who should be on some Xmastime lists somewhere and the scene where the stuttering Tailor, cast as the Chorus/Narrator, gets stuck on the first lines of Romeo and juliet is pretty grand.