Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Is It Still April Fool's Day?

More than 900 cities have streets named after Martin Luther King, Jr. First of all, I'm not sure I would've even guessed there were 900 cities in the country (although I guess it depends on what someone defines a "city" as.) Secondly, there's no way in hell I'd have guessed that one of the cities that DOESN'T have a street named after MLK is the very one he died in, Memphis:
Forty-four years after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down on the balcony of a Memphis hotel, the Tennessee city is overcoming what some call protracted guilt and embarrassment, and naming a street in his honor.
When I lived in North Mississippi, we spent plenty of time in Memphis, and I never noticed there wasn't one there. Matter of fact, I kinda swear I DO remember one. Maybe I was too wrapped up in my samitches?

On a side note, I'd still much rather watch a movie about the sanitation workers’ strike King was supporting when he was assassinated than on the killing of Bin Laden.

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