Monday, April 02, 2012


Another thing I remember about boot camp was that when I got my appetite back after a few days in I found out they had Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. I latched onto those motherfuckers and ate them every morning religiously. I guess they offered a hint of normalcy, of the outside world we had left was either M*A*S*H-style powdered eggs with bacon and hash browns served with a side of patriotism and courage or....Cocoa Puffs. Man. Tough to picture Patton ordering up some Count Chocula, I would think. - XMASTIME
Great running commentary HERE on the classic flick Diner, ie "what Joe Hackett was in before Wings," which came out (unbelievably) thirty years ago.

I have spent a lot of time in diners over the years. No no, I know, you don't believe me, but yes, I have. So much so that it is incredible to me to recognize the fact that I don't think I've ever had a patty melt. Here's Serious Eats Ed Levine with his five favorite patty melts.

And here's my Aunt Pat. You're welcome!

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