Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Troubling Truth About GIRLS?

 In general, I find the boys on the show to be better actors than the girls. Lena Dunham is very funny, but has a tendency to ham it up for reaction shots (like those eww-faces she makes while getting the office massage). Alison Williams is perfectly OK, in the sense that she appears to be playing herself. Jemima Kirke seemed false in the playground, and then even more so when remembering her lonely childhood.

But the guy who plays Charlie nails every line. And while I hate what the script has done to Ray in this episode, Alex Karpovsky is a virtuoso at “soulless hipster douchebaggery,” as Dana Stevens pointed out. And Adam Driver—he’s a genius. From the backwards-chair-sit in episode one, to the way he leans on the doorframe in the hallway scene and extends his face forward, trying—really trying!—to understand what the hell it is that Hannah is trying to say, he’s a master of physical dramedy.
My thoughts on this disappointingly crappy episode HERE.

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