Thursday, June 21, 2012

Marmaduke, Plus Me Looking to Break My Own Record for Self-Quotes

After years of the American people clamoring like hell, Hollywood is finally giving them what they want: Marmaduke. Of course. A big, dumb, oaf fucking dog that hasn't gotten a single laugh in 50 years (hey, sounds like Tim Allen!) in the comics, why not try him out in the movies, maybe he'll be funny there? If not, why not try Broadway? Maybe if he's fucking atrociously unfunny there we can put him on the fucking Nightly News?

Thanks, Hollywood - as always, you never run out of new ideas! - XMASTIME

3) If everyone is so bent outta shape about these anti-Muhammad cartoons being so offensive to Muslims, can’t I be fucking offended Marmaduke has not ONCE made me laugh? - XMASTIME 
Guy over at Splitsider for some reason strings together a coupla thousand words on Marmaduke, presumably adding up to "why the fuck does this comic strip exist? Has it just gone unnoticed/under the radar since debuting in 1954?"
Like the Batman, Marmaduke is more than a protagonist – he’s a symbol. That Great Dane isn’t the dog we need, but the dog we deserve. Unfortunately, we seem to deserve a real son of a bitch.

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