Basically, all this is just an excuse to quote a line from my favorite play of all-time, The Star-Spangled Girl:
Andy: Your opinions on anything have as much practical value as a 1939 canendar. I'm not paying $72 for a limited vocabulary. Be quiet and lick the stamps. I'm a busy man.
Sophie: So was Boothe the night he assassinated Lincoln.
Andy: Are you saying I was in on the Lincoln job?
Sophie: I'm talking about your present day activities. But I wouldn't put it past you.
Andy: Sorry, but that night I was in Philadelphia cracking the Liberty Bell. (Gathers up papers, starts up the stairs.) I can't concentrate in front of the Senate Investigating Committee.
Sophie: The truth is always difficult to face. Can my tongue rest? The well is dried up.
Andy: Look, if you're unhapy here, why not take a job as night watchman for the Statue of Liberty? You could swim around her checking to see if the torch went out.
Sophie: "The enforcers of justice have always been the scapegoat of the enemies of freedom..." Do you know where I read that?
Andy: On the back of a Patrick Henry bubblegum card?
Sophie: The speeches of Socrates. Did you ever read the speeches of Socrates?
Andy: Im waiting for the paperback to come out.
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