Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Please, Forget!

There's a list of the 11 Ways 9/11 Changed the Way We Talk, including, of course, "Never forget" which has had some backlash:
"Never Forget" suffered something of a backlash in the ensuing years, particularly as some Americans started to feel the country had perhaps overreacted to 9/11, or just acted in ways that didn't really serve the nation's best interests. You could almost say that over-use of phrases like "Never Forget" actually caused people to stop taking 9/11 as seriously, thus bringing about the very complacency and lack of concern about national security that they were trying to prevent.
I sleep well knowing that I was in favor of bagging "never forget" before it became hip.

Also, on the same subject: what the fuck happened to the ubiquitous baked potato, goddammi!!

On a totally different subject, this is killing me.

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