Friday, October 05, 2012

TD Record

Peter King is right re: it's amazing Unitas' record has stood as long as it has, and how far ahead of his time Unitas was. But fuck Drew Brees anyway:
I have no real beef with Drew Brees. I'm sure he's a nice guy, certainly nicer than me. But now he's going around peddling some fucking memoirs he's "written," and it's a bit fucking much.

The book is about all the adversity Brees has had to overcome throughout his life, starting with his having to fight through being born with enough natural talent to play football for a living and make millions of dollars. For instance, did you know that no Division I colleges offered him a scholarship to play football? Oh, wait...except Purdue. Which the Big 10. Okay, but still, how about when he had surgery, and no NFL team would come near him?...oh, wait, except they did. The Saints. His days getting paid zillions to wing the ball around in perfect 68 degree weather in San Diego must have been particularly difficult for Brees to square with a  God so evil to place him in such a predicament to have to overcome....MORE HERE.

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