Monday, August 05, 2013

GOP, Please Don't Go Away1

It's incredible Republican voters are still allowing this to go on.  It's beyond embarrassing.- XMASTIME
Rince Preibus, or whatever, is using whatever excuse he can to see that the 2016 GOP presidential debates aren't aren't on tv in a way that normal humans can watch:
CNN and NBC had better pull the plug on their plans to bring Hillary Clinton to the small screen, or Reince Priebus is threatening to take his 2016 presidential debates and find them another network home.  
This may be the best thing to happen to the GOP, in the same way one keeps outsiders from seeing their crazy uncles at Thanksgiving, but it would be a death blow to comedy. I mean, maybe my greatest post of all time was during a GOP debate. And even as recently as the 2012 one, I had some fucking gems.


Sigh. DON'T DO IT, REIBUS!!!!!!

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