Monday, September 23, 2013

Civil War On the TV in Some Decade Called "The 80s"

Moi, a coupla years ago:
In my mind you're either a The Blue and the Gray guy or a North & South guy - I'm a devout B&G guy; I've always refused to watch the John Jakes flick. I remember vividly loving this mini-series when it came on; I remember having to win a coin toss with Brothatime!! to see the final night instead of a UVa vs. the Russians exhibition game. And it's been 27 years and I never saw it again until I just discovered it on YouTube, so I'm fucking re-loving it. Check out the first 10 minutes here, hit HERE to keep going.

ps - how the fuck did they keep Martin Sheen outta this flick?
UPDATE: This weekend, I saw a coupla hours of North & South. I liked it. Might see the whole thing one day. But The Blue and the Gray is still my slice. Hell, the former isn't even my favorite thing titled "North & South"; that would be Elizabeth Gaskell's novel, of course.

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