Saturday, January 25, 2014

Astronomicral Chronology is Freaking Me the Fuck Out

Now we know the exact moment Monet (YES, my favorite painter, duh) painted some bullshit:
Assuming a margin for error, the scientists estimated that Monet created the painting between Feb. 3-7. Then they got a little boost. Monet wrote letters during his trip, including on the days in this range—and apparently he was very attentive to tides. By using information from these missives, plus historical weather data and tide charts, the researchers were able to pinpoint Feb. 5, 1883 at 4:53 p.m. local time as the moment Monet was painting, plus or minus one minute. The findings are published in the February issue of Sky & Telescope.
Their next project: finding the exact time I banged my college girlfriend in a Dairy Queen bathroom. Now THAT was a masterpiece, my friends.

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