Friday, June 19, 2020


As a rule I only play 4 board games: Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly and...well I guess that's it. Rare is the day I don't play at least one game of Scrabble on my phone, and here's a celebration of the old school, simple, classic board game:
The game, he said, is the perfect synthesis of skill and luck. Intellect and vocabulary play a role, but so do mathematics, strategy and—when it comes to drawing seven of those lettered tiles—simple chance. And while any jaunt across social media will demonstrate that spelling and grammar might not matter as much as they once did, English is a living language that Americans never tire of playing with.
“To me,” Fatsis said, “Scrabble reflects our love for language. There’s something fundamental about our need to use and play with and mold and shape and twist and change English. Scrabble is the perfect embodiment of that desire.”
The article also mentions the short-lived Scrabulous, which some of you may remember my dominating back in 2008.

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