Tuesday, February 09, 2021

National Pizza Day, V


First pizza: Roma's! That original exposure to real, authentic NYC pizza in a tiny podunk Southern town totally spoiled me. Unfortunately the last few times I've gone they've totally changed it and it sucks, but it will always be my #1.

Next: School pizza. Hey - it is what it is.

After that: The Charleston, Williamsburg Brooklyn. Was $1/slice when I moved there. Unique texture and all cheese and a fucking delight.

And: Carmine's. Great pizza, but even better memories, Mamalizza and Big Bear coming over to visit me & The Short Bus during my Manny days.

Free Office Pizza. At InTouch Magazine, of which I've already posted today. 

Bullshit: The Pizza Cone.

Best slice ever: The pepperoni slice at Frank Pepe's in New Haven.

I've had great pizza during the pandemic from Tony's in SF and many different deep dish pies from Chicago thanks to Goldbelly. Don't ask about my Di Fara debacle...but it's also true that there's great, NYC-style "authentic" pizza everywhere now - I'm in the goddam boonies and just the other day I had amazing pizza that looked and tasted like it was straight outta Brooklyn.

Also still true:

TFW Some Skinny Mofo Takes the Bigger of the Last Two Slices of Pizza:

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