Friday, October 29, 2021

Spooky Halloween Reading So Far

House On Haunted Hill: C- meh. WAY too much of the dialogue is just too goofy so as to be distracting, and in the end not much at all happens. At no point was I even remotely freaked out, even if I was in a semi-dark room all by myself. Nice ending, but it's like 0.000012% of the book, so. Only mildly cared about the main character, and even then it was pity that wasn't really earned. Looking forward to now comparing it to the movie like I did The Exorcist. (I didn't bother to write about the Frankenstein book/movie because the movie was garbage.)


The Crucible: B sorry - throughout the entire dramatic, climatic scene I couldn't help but read it as a comedy piece, and I just couldn't shake it. Miller did a great job of effortlessly conveying many of the character's traits, which is a great thing when reading a play.

The Exorcist A yeah, when you hafta draw the curtains in the room because you're scared af, it's probably a good horror book (and better than the movie!).

Frankenstein A++ I love this book. And I simply cannot put into words the fact that more than any book I've ever read, this is nothing like I imagined it would be. I guess I'd been sold the cartoonish monster of the films, but this was a heart-wrenching tale of a living being who craved human contact and friendship so much that it destroyed him. Also: is it too depressing to realize that the one literary character you most relate to is in fact Frankenstein's monster? 😳😬

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