Friday, October 29, 2021


For decades now Jimmy Page - no stranger to (rightfully) being accused of ripping other artists off - has allowed a myth that he played the scintillating lead on The Kinks' classic All Day and All of the Night to go on, which has infuriated Kinks fans like me. Why won't he just fucking publicly announce that no, it was OF COURSE Dave Davies that played it and not him!??

And now I see this fabulous quote from Ray Davies on the matter, circa 1981:

“We had to record that song at 10 o’clock in the morning,” Davies continued, “because we had a gig that night. It was done in three hours. Page was doing a session in the other studio, and he came in to hear Dave’s solo, and he laughed, and he snickered. And now he says that he played it! So I think he’s an asshole, and he can put all the curses he wants on me because I know I’m right, and he’s wrong.”

My bold - not only does Davies call Page out on his bullshit, not only does he flat-out call him an asshole, but he references the badly-kept secret of Page believing in the Occult, doing weird witchcraft shit which included little girls.

Good one Ray!

And fuck you Jimmy Page!

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