Tuesday, August 25, 2009


My buddy Rylo just spent 2 weeks in Scotland, and between the descriptions he gave me (constant rain + beer you eat with a fork) and Gordon Ramsay having been born there, I think 2010 will be the year I become a ...Scotphile?

As you recall, 2008 I was all about being an Angliophile.

And 2009? Francophile.

A while ago in the shower (I will pause for the ladies' fingerblasting...all set? great, let's move on) I started worrying I hadn't given enough time this year to my Francophilia; but then I remembered that I spent a whole day blowing up France, par exampla HERE. And I have given enough respect for their first lady HERE.

And so we all remember, here's my favorite Monet slice below.

PLUS, I still have 1/3 of the year left to blow up how much I love France! Relax, I told myself as I reached for my towel (I will pause for the ladies' fingerblasting...all set? great, let's move on.)

Scotland, I'm looking forward to it. But for now, I'm still loving this.

1 comment:

Gina said...

more like fingerwagging. Towel up.
