Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Kids in Philly

Even though my favorite Marah album is Float Away with the Friday Night Gods, Kids in Philly is definitely my album of the decade, and I thought I'd break it down and rank my slices on that record:

Faraway You
Round Eye Blues
The History Of Where Someone Has Been Killed
It's Only Money, Tyrone
Christian Street
My Heart is the Bums on the Street
Barstool Boys
This Town
Point Breeze
The Catfisherman
From the Skyline of a Great Big Town

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How the fudgesicle is Float Away your favorite album, but KIP album of the decade? They were released in the same decade.

You're a complicated man, like John Shaft and Rock Hudson.

But seriously, Float Away had one great song, five good songs and three decent songs. But the actual recorded album is pretty weak, to be kind. KIP ranks in the top twenty rock records of since the Beatles broke up.