Friday, October 08, 2010


Last year I mused with Drunken Dater re: Jesus' ripped bod.

Turns out this his 12-pack is because Jesus espouses the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability, which apparently include allowing the Cranick house to burn down while the firemen stood idly by.

Of course.

*What Would Jesus Do If He Was The Complete Opposite of Jesus and In Fact a Big Fucking Asshole?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a shame and as far as I am concerned, not so much a lack of compassion or blind need to follow orders as a deeper drive to both enjoy and destroy. These are hardcore Structurists. They would have put out the fire had it not been a trailer. Respect for property which costs more to replace. And it's not just houses. My sister was pulled out of her Ford Fista which was then impounded for lack of registration, while I was let go for the same offense driving a full sized new vehicle with a ticket, which was later dismissed. Structurists have no compassion. They are controlled by hatred of 'The Lesser' and will use any excuse to punish the persons or animals who are compelled to occupy them.

Besides this, at the heart of every firemen is an absolute love of fire which is in conflict with the inborn competitive drive to win. Yet, when given the order to 'let it burn' these guys are less apt to override the rush of adrenalin as the structure goes up in flames. Sick sad world and every one of our paid firemen and police ought to be screened more closely.