Monday, November 19, 2007

The Hills

Tell you what. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kinda rooting for Heidi now. First of all, the fact that she has consigned herself to living with Spencer for the rest of her life. I mean, usually at this point I'm blasting a girl like that for beng an idiot, but I can imagine her getting caught in that Spencer tractor-beam of supreme creepiness and idiocy and being locked in, not able to see the forest for the sleaze. Hopefully this engagement won't last long and she'll realize she has signed up to spend the rest of her life with a retard who 9 episodes in this season is still trying to grow a soul patch. Ugh. I WILL SAY THIS IN SPENCER'S DFENSE, HOWEVER: to his credit, he's the one dude on tv who seems to have the ambition of an olive loaf. He's not prattling on about his script, he's not starting a hip-hop label or clothing line. You never hear him talk about any of his "projects." Nope, not the Spence Dog. He's on the couch when Heidi leaves for work, and he's on the couch when she comes home. Good for him!

AND. I'm not in love with the way my (former?) girlfriend LC rebuffed Heidi during her apology. After all their feuding, Heidi, on natonal tv, tucked her tail between her legs and went to LC's apartment to apologize to her. Wanted to apologize and put the incident that caused all the ruckus behind them. LC could've shown some class here and graciously accepted the apology, been a little magnanimous et al. But I feel like she came off like a real jerk, making it even harder for Heidi than she should've, not really accepting the apology and everything. I'm a little embarrassed by her classlessness here. Is "classlessness" a word? I haven't heard a word with that many S's in it since I fucked that goof that stutters back in college. (wait a second....was she trying to say "stop"? hmm) Camon, LC. You're better than that! As Jefferson is wont to say, "Ever a time to forgive, ever a time of loss man can rise above, those lumps, those lumps, those lovely lady lumps."

PS - Justin Bobby is SPRINTING to the #1 alltime spot on my "most hated reality stars list." If he had more screen time, he'd be all by himself at the top. Fucking beyond douchebag.

1 comment:

  1. What are you talking about?! Did a thirteen-year-old girl hijack your brain?
