Saturday, November 17, 2007

College Gameday (finally)

My buddy Op hit on something yesterday when he remarked on the OSU-Michigan game being played at noon. That’s the way I remember college football as a young buck – kickoff at noon with gray skies, rain pouring. The way it was meant to be. Seems like it’s been so long since a big game was played at noon and not moved thanks to tv to 9:30 I had forgotten it even was possible. So I finally watched an entire game for the first time all season. Rain, The Big House and Brent Musberger. Not bad. The game itself was fairly uneventful – some dude on OSU ran for over 220 yards and I was like…really? When was this? What’d I miss? A quiet 220. But mostly I wrapped myself up in the coziness that college football used to bring me. See previous bitching and moaning here.

Other thoughts: while they weren’t overpowering today, I feel like OSU got screwed cause their one loss came so late in the year. I mean, they go from #1 all the way to #7? They're not Notre Dame; they didn't lose to the National Guard for fuck's sake. They’re 11-1, I feel like they should be right behind Kansas and LSU. 7th? Are you kidding me? I know the Big 10 is down as it has been for a few years, but they still have 5 teams with 8+ wins. Do you really think Oregon/OK/Mizzou/W Va are better than OSU? Nyet. Hell, I would not bet on Kansas in a matchup with the Buckeyes. The college rankings and BCS system, as usual, B L O W.

Also, is it just me or has Tim Tebow been way further under the Heisman radar than he should be? I know I haven’t had my ear to the ground as much as in the past, but I’ve barely heard his name mentioned and he just became the first player ever to run AND pass for 20 tds in a season. Which isn’t even over. 20 tds rushing, and another 20 passing. incredible. In the SEC, which is the best conference by far. His qb rating is 177 and his td/int is 23/5. Again: in the SEC for a team that will prolly go 9-3. I’m baffled why his name hasn’t come up a lot; maybe cause he’s only a sophomore?

Anyways a great football day for me. And only 448 days til the bowls begin!

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